Portraits Two: Traditional

Tim's more traditional portraits are painted in oils or acrylics on canvas, either entirely from life or from preliminary drawings and photographs, while the modern linear portraits are always painted in acrylics and are completed entirely from photographic references. The portraits are priced at between £250 for a small portrait head to £1500 for a family group.
There are also a few portraits on the 'Paintings for Sale' page

  Julie and Molly
      Acrylic on canvas  20" x 16"
 Private collection

Acrylic on canvas  36" x 24"
Private collection

The Tredoux
Acrylic on canvas  52" x 36"
Private collection

Daisy, Alfie and Louie
Acrylic on canvas  40" x 30"
Private collection

Julie. Molly and Gabriel
Acrylic on canvas  60" x 48"
Private collection

Acrylic on canvas  10" x 6"
Private collection

The new baby
Acrylic on canvas  30" x 24"
Private collection

Simnel cake
Oil on canvas  20" x 16"
Private collection

Rachel: marsh study
Oil on canvas  9" x 6"
Private collection