Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas Window 2014 - and some other ribbonry

Here's a picture of the studio window this December and also some cards that I've done recently. The window one is another temporary painting in acrylics on the inside of the glass, while the cards are Unipin pens (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8mm) coloured in with watercolour.
I'd always liked lettered scrolls twisted around things, which led - over the last few weeks - to the anniversary card (the kitchen knife and D'Arcy Spice apple), then to the birthday card  (the bunch of roses), and the Christmas card ( the bunch of winter foliage from Rachel's garden) and the window version.
The lettering on the window's a quote from 'Christmas 1979' by Billy Childish and the MBEs. Check it out here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTjPEreVrms

I've put an additional picture of the window, slightly altered on New Year's Eve. Amazing what one can do on Photoshop, isn't it ? Or even with a Stanley blade and some more paint.

Before . . . .
. . . . and after